/** * Copyright (c) 2009-2010, Skype Technologies S.A. All rights reserved. * Originally partly based on YUI library (http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/), * also some techniques from jQuery library (http://www.jquery.com/). * Version: 2.0 */ /** * The SKYPE object is the single global object used by Skype Common Library. * It contains utility functions for strings, arrays, cookies, preferences, and * logging. SKYPE.util, SKYPE.user are namespaces created automatically for * and used by the library. * @module skype * @title SKYPE Global */ if (typeof SKYPE == "undefined") { /** * The SKYPE global namespace object * @class SKYPE * @static */ var SKYPE = {}; } /** * Returns the namespace specified and creates it if it doesn't exist *
 * SKYPE.namespace("property.package");
 * SKYPE.namespace("SKYPE.property.package");
* Either of the above would create SKYPE.property, then * SKYPE.property.package * * Be careful when naming packages. Reserved words may work in some browsers * and not others. For instance, the following will fail in Safari: *
 * SKYPE.namespace("really.long.nested.namespace");
* This fails because "long" is a future reserved word in ECMAScript * * @method namespace * @static * @param {String*} arguments 1-n namespaces to create * @return {Object} A reference to the last namespace object created */ SKYPE.namespace = function() { var a=arguments, o=null, i, j, d; for (i=0; i -1 || document.cookie.indexOf("debug") > -1 || location.search.indexOf("debug") > -1 ); if (!SKYPE.__log_enabled) return; SKYPE.__log_type = null; if (typeof YAHOO != "undefined" && YAHOO.widget && YAHOO.widget.Logger && YAHOO.widget.Logger.log) SKYPE.__log_type = "yui"; else if (SKYPE.util.Browser.isGecko && typeof console != "undefined" && typeof console.log != "undefined") SKYPE.__log_type = "firebug"; else if (SKYPE.util.Browser.isSafari && typeof window.console != "undefined" && typeof window.console.log != "undefined") SKYPE.__log_type = "webkit"; else if (SKYPE.util.Browser.isOpera && typeof opera == "object" && typeof opera.postError != "undefined") SKYPE.__log_type = "opera"; else if (typeof console != "undefined" && (typeof console.log == "function" || typeof console.log == "object")) SKYPE.__log_type = "native"; } if (!SKYPE.__log_enabled) return; switch (SKYPE.__log_type) { // YUI logger case "yui": return YAHOO.widget.Logger.log(msg, cat, src); break; // Firefox Firebug case "firebug": if (cat && (typeof console[cat] != "undefined")) console[cat](msg); else console.log((cat ? "["+cat.toUpperCase()+"] " : "") + msg); break; // Safari/WebKit JS console case "webkit": window.console.log((cat ? "["+cat.toUpperCase()+"] " : "") + msg); break; // Opera error console case "opera": opera.postError((cat ? "["+cat.toUpperCase()+"] " : "") + msg); break; case "native": console.log((cat ? "["+cat.toUpperCase()+"] " : "") + msg); } }; /** * Registers a module with the SKYPE object * @method register * @static * @param {String} name the name of the module (event, slider, etc) * @param {Function} mainClass a reference to class in the module. This * class will be tagged with the version info * so that it will be possible to identify the * version that is in use when multiple versions * have loaded * @param {Object} data metadata object for the module. Currently it * is expected to contain a "version" property * and a "build" property at minimum. */ SKYPE.register = function(name, mainClass, data) { var mods = SKYPE.env.modules; if (!mods[name]) { mods[name] = { versions:[], builds:[] }; } var m=mods[name],v=data.version,b=data.build,ls=SKYPE.env.listeners; m.name = name; m.version = v; m.build = b; m.versions.push(v); m.builds.push(b); m.mainClass = mainClass; // fire the module load listeners for (var i=0;i *
The name of the module
The version in use
The build number in use
All versions that were registered
All builds that were registered.
An object that was was stamped with the * current version and build. If * mainClass.VERSION != version or mainClass.BUILD != build, * multiple versions of pieces of the library have been * loaded, potentially causing issues.
* * * @method getVersion * @static * @param {String} name the name of the module (event, slider, etc) * @return {Object} The version info */ SKYPE.env.getVersion = function(name) { return SKYPE.env.modules[name] || null; }; SKYPE.namespace("util", "user"); SKYPE.util.Browser = function() { // Partly from ExtJS lib var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var isStrict = document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat"; var isOpera = ua.indexOf("opera") > -1; var isSafari = /webkit|khtml/.test(ua); var isIE = ua.indexOf("msie") > -1; var isIE7 = ua.indexOf("msie 7") > -1; var ieVer = ua.match(/msie (\d+)/i) ? parseInt(ua.match(/msie (\d+)/i)[1]) : 0; var isGecko = !isSafari && ua.indexOf("gecko") > -1; var isBorderBox = isIE && !isStrict; var isWindows = (ua.indexOf("windows") != -1 || ua.indexOf("win32") != -1); var isMac = (ua.indexOf("macintosh") != -1 || ua.indexOf("mac os x") != -1); var isLinux = /x11|linux|freebsd|netbsd/.test(ua); var isHtmlVideo = function (){ var detect = document.createElement('video') || false; var htmlVideo = detect && (typeof detect.canPlayType !== "undefined"); return (htmlVideo == true); }(); var isHtmlVideoMp4 = function(){ var detect = document.createElement('video') || false; if (isIE) { return false; } var htmlVideoMp4 = detect && (typeof detect.canPlayType !== "undefined") && (detect.canPlayType("video/mp4") === "maybe" || detect.canPlayType("video/mp4") === "probably"); return (htmlVideoMp4 == true); }(); var isMacOld = function() { if (!isMac) { return false; } var required = { major: 10, middle: 5, minor: 8 }; var osVersion = ua.match(/mac os x ([._0-9]+)/); if (osVersion && osVersion[1]) { var ver = osVersion[1].split('_'); if (ver.length == 1) { ver = osVersion[1].split('.'); } if (ver.length == 1) { return true; } if (ver[0] < required.major || (ver[0] == required.major && ver[1] < required.middle)) { return true; } if (ver[0] > required.major || (ver[0] == required.major && ver[1] > required.middle)) { return false; } if (ver.length == 3) { if (ver[1] == required.middle && ver[2] >= required.minor) { return false; } } } else if (ua.match(/(ipad|iphone)/)) { return false; } return true; }(); return { isStrict: isStrict ,isOpera: isOpera ,isSafari: isSafari ,isIE: isIE ,isIE7: isIE7 ,ieVer: ieVer ,isGecko: isGecko ,isBorderBox: isBorderBox ,isWindows: isWindows ,isMac: isMac ,isMacOld: isMacOld ,isLinux: isLinux ,isHtmlVideo: isHtmlVideo ,isHtmlVideoMp4: isHtmlVideoMp4 }; }(); SKYPE.util.Createnodes = function() { if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match("msie")) { var n = ("abbr article aside audio canvas details figcaption figure footer header hgroup mark meter nav output progress section summary time video").split(" "); for (var i in n) { document.createElement(n[i]);} } }(); /** * Utility method for extending an object with another object. * * Mostly from jQuery lib * * @method extend * @static * @param {Object} Target object to extend * @param {Object*} 1..n number of objects to merge to the first one * @return {Object} Returns the extended object, that was supplied as first parameter */ SKYPE.util.extend = function() { var _isArray = function( obj ) { return toString.call(obj) === "[object Array]"; }, _isPlainObject = function( o ) { var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; // Must be an Object. // Because of IE, we also have to check the presence of the constructor property. // Make sure that DOM nodes and window objects don't pass through, as well if ( !obj || toString.call(obj) !== "[object Object]" || obj.nodeType || obj.setInterval ) { return false; } // Not own constructor property must be Object if ( obj.constructor && !hasOwnProperty.call(obj, "constructor") && !hasOwnProperty.call(obj.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf") ) { return false; } // Own properties are enumerated firstly, so to speed up, // if last one is own, then all properties are own. var key; for ( key in obj ) {} return key === undefined || hasOwnProperty.call( obj, key ); }, _extend = function() { // copy reference to target object var target = arguments[0] || {}, i = 1, length = arguments.length, deep = false, options, name, src, copy; // Handle a deep copy situation if ( typeof target === "boolean" ) { deep = target; target = arguments[1] || {}; // skip the boolean and the target i = 2; } // Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy) if ( typeof target !== "object" && typeof target !== "function" ) { target = {}; } // nothing to extend if 1 argument if ( length === i ) { return; } for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { // Only deal with non-null/undefined values if ( (options = arguments[ i ]) != null ) { // Extend the base object for ( name in options ) { src = target[ name ]; copy = options[ name ]; // Prevent never-ending loop if ( target === copy ) { continue; } // Recurse if we're merging object literal values or arrays if ( deep && copy && ( _isPlainObject(copy) || _isArray(copy) ) ) { var clone = src && ( _isPlainObject(src) || _isArray(src) ) ? src : _isArray(copy) ? [] : {}; // Never move original objects, clone them target[ name ] = _extend( deep, clone, copy ); // Don't bring in undefined values } else if ( copy !== undefined ) { target[ name ] = copy; } } } } // Return the modified object return target; }; return _extend; }(); /** * Boot loader utility * * Gives SKYPE core utility to load additional javascript as modules. * * @class Loader * @author Martin Kapp * @version 1.0.4 * @site http://www.skype.com/ */ SKYPE.env.Loader = (function() { // Internal list var _required = {}, modules = {}, readyCalled = false, modulesLoaded = false, windowLoaded = false, _onloadEvents = []; var _prefix = '/'; if ( typeof SKYPE != 'undefined' && SKYPE.settings && SKYPE.settings.assetsPath ) { _prefix = SKYPE.settings.assetsPath + (SKYPE.settings.assetsPath.substr(-1) == '/' ? '' : '/'); } var _executeLoadEvents = function () { // Avoid infinite recursion if an onload function calls ourself var onloads = _onloadEvents; _onloadEvents = []; var l = onloads.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { onloads[i](); } }; var addLoadEvent = function(func) { if (typeof window.onload !== 'function') { window.onload = _executeLoadEvents; } else if (window.onload !== _executeLoadEvents) { // Somebody has overwritten window.onload, add it to queue _onloadEvents.push(window.onload); window.onload = _executeLoadEvents; } _onloadEvents.push(func); }; addLoadEvent(function() { windowLoaded = true; }); // Load all the SCRIPTS var _loadDependencyTree = function( list ) { if ( typeof list == 'undefined' ) { list = _required; } var ready = []; for ( var i in list ) { if ( typeof list[i].loaded == 'undefined' ) { if (typeof list[i].loadcheck != 'undefined') { // Supports functions as conditions, @since 1.0.4 if (typeof list[i].loadcheck == 'function' && list[i].loadcheck()) { SKYPE.log('Mod ' + i + ' marked as loaded', 'warn'); ready.push(i); continue; } else if (typeof list[i].loadcheck != 'function' && list[i].loadcheck) { SKYPE.log('Mod ' + i + ' marked as loaded', 'warn'); ready.push(i); continue; } } if ( typeof list[i].requires == 'undefined' ) { ready.push(i); } else if ( typeof list[i].requires == 'object' ) { var modReady = true; for ( var j in list[i].requires ) { var mod = list[j]; if ( typeof mod.loaded == 'undefined' || !mod.loaded ) { modReady = false; if (typeof mod.loadcheck != 'undefined') { // Supports functions as conditions, @since 1.0.4 if (typeof mod.loadcheck == 'function') { modReady = mod.loadcheck(); } else if (typeof mod.loadcheck != 'function' && mod.loadcheck) { modReady = true; } } } } if ( modReady ) { ready.push(i); } } } } if ( ready.length ) { SKYPE.log( 'Ready to load ' + ready.toString(), 'info' ); for ( var i = 0, len = ready.length; i < len; i++ ) { list[ ready[i] ].loaded = false; if (typeof list[ready[i]].loadcheck != 'undefined') { // Supports functions as conditions, @since 1.0.4 if (typeof list[ready[i]].loadcheck == 'function') { list[ready[i]].loaded = list[ready[i]].loadcheck(); if (list[ready[i]].loaded) { SKYPE.log('Mod already loaded ' + ready[i], 'info'); continue; } } else if (typeof list[ready[i]].loadcheck != 'function' && list[ready[i]].loadcheck) { list[ready[i]].loaded = true; SKYPE.log('Mod already loaded ' + ready[i], 'info'); continue; } } (function() { var inc = ready[i], prefix = list[inc].prefix || _prefix; _insertScript( prefix + '' + list[ inc ].src, 'utf-8', function() { SKYPE.log( 'Done loading ' + inc, 'info' ); list[inc].loaded = true; // If init parameters are supplied and module is registered, call init if ( list[inc].init ) { if ( null !== ( mod = SKYPE.env.getVersion(inc) )) { if ( mod.mainClass && mod.mainClass.init && typeof mod.mainClass.init == 'function' ) { SKYPE.log( 'Calling init on ' + inc, 'info' ); mod.mainClass.init( list[inc].init ); } } } _loadDependencyTree(); }); })(); } } }, // Inserts new SCRIPT tag to the HTML then cleans it up afterwards _insertScript = function( url, scriptCharset, callback ) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement; var script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = url; if ( scriptCharset ) { script.charset = scriptCharset; } // Handle Script loading var done = false; // Attach handlers for all browsers script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function() { if ( !done && (!this.readyState || this.readyState === "loaded" || this.readyState === "complete") ) { done = true; // Handle memory leak in IE script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null; if ( head && script.parentNode ) { head.removeChild( script ); } if ( typeof callback == 'function' ) { callback(); } } }; // Use insertBefore instead of appendChild to circumvent an IE6 bug. // This arises when a base node is used (#2709 and #4378). head.insertBefore( script, head.firstChild ); // We handle everything using the script element injection return undefined; }; /** * Load module info */ _insertScript( _prefix + 'i/js/skype-common-modules.js?' + (new Date()).getTime(), 'utf-8', function() { SKYPE.log( 'Core modules loaded', 'info' ); var loadCommon = function( name, opts ) { if ( opts && typeof opts.condition != 'undefined' && opts.condition == false ) { SKYPE.log('Pass mod ' + name + ' – no condition', 'info'); if ( typeof opts.skiprequired == 'undefined' ) { opts.skiprequired = []; } return false; } _required[name] = SKYPE.util.extend( modules[name], opts ); opts = _required[name]; // Load module dependencies if ( opts && opts.requires ) { for ( var i in opts.requires) { var added = loadCommon( i, opts.requires[i] ); if ( !added ) { delete opts.requires[i]; } } } return true; }; for ( var i in _required ) { loadCommon( i, _required[i] ); } modulesLoaded = true; if ( readyCalled ) { _loadDependencyTree(); } }); // Expose Loader methods return { // Add available module info addModules: function( coreModules ) { modules = SKYPE.util.extend( {}, modules, coreModules ); }, // Function to add required modules require: function( module, opts, initParams ) { if (typeof opts != 'object') { opts = null; } // Check if condition is supplied and is valid if ( opts && typeof opts.condition != 'undefined' ) { if ( !opts.condition ) { return false; } } if ( !modulesLoaded ) { if ( typeof opts == 'object' ) { if ( _required[module] ) { _required[module] = SKYPE.util.extend( _required[module], opts ); } else { _required[module] = opts; } } else { _required[module] = {}; } } else { // Add module to the required list if ( module in modules ) { _required[module] = modules[module]; if ( opts ) { _required[module] = SKYPE.util.extend( _required[module], opts ); } opts = _required[module]; } else if ( opts && opts.src ) { if ( _required[module] ) { _required[module] = SKYPE.util.extend( _required[module], opts ); } else { _required[module] = opts; } } } // Check if init needs to be called when done if ( typeof initParams != 'undefined' ) { if ( typeof _required[ module ].init == 'undefined' ) { _required[ module ].init = []; } _required[ module ].init.push( initParams ); } // Load module dependencies if ( opts && opts.requires ) { for ( var i in opts.requires) { var added = this.require( i, opts.requires[i] ); if ( !added ) { delete opts.requires[i]; } } } return true; }, // Function that loads required javascripts ready: function() { SKYPE.register("loader", SKYPE.env.Loader, {version: "1.0.4", build: "5"}); readyCalled = true; if ( modulesLoaded ) { _loadDependencyTree(); } }, load: function( script, charset, callback ) { _insertScript( script, charset, callback ); }, windowLoad: function(fn) { if (windowLoaded) { fn(); } else { addLoadEvent(fn); } } }; })(); /* Settings */ /* @legal: Cookie handling code from the book "JavaScript: The Definitive Guide" by David Flanagan published by O'Reilly. ISBN: 0-596-00048-0 */ SKYPE.util.Cookie = function(document, name, hours, path, domain, secure, fieldsep, valuesep) { this.document = document; this.name = name; if (hours) { this.expiration = new Date((new Date()).getTime() + hours*3600000); } else { this.expiration = null; } this.path = path ? path : null; this.domain = domain ? domain : null; this.secure = secure ? true : false; this.fieldsep = fieldsep ? fieldsep : ':'; this.valuesep = valuesep ? valuesep : '&'; this.isSimpleValue = false; // Actual cookie data is held in this one this.data = {}; }; SKYPE.util.Cookie.prototype = { /** * Saves values set in cookie. */ store: function (doSort) { var cookieval = ""; var cookie = ""; var keys = []; if (typeof this.data == "object") { for(var prop in this.data) { keys.push(prop); } if (doSort) keys.sort(); for (var i=0; i < keys.length; i++) { if (cookieval != "") cookieval += this.fieldsep; cookieval += keys[i] + this.valuesep + escape(this.data[keys[i]]); } } else { cookieval = escape(this.data.toString()); } cookie = this.name + '=' + cookieval; if (this.expiration) cookie += '; expires=' + this.expiration.toGMTString(); if (this.path) cookie += '; path=' + this.path; if (this.domain) cookie += '; domain=' + this.domain; if (this.secure) cookie += '; secure'; this.document.cookie = cookie; }, /** * Loads values from cookie */ load: function() { if (this.isSimpleValue && typeof this.data != "string") this.data = this.data.toString(); var allcookies = this.document.cookie; if (allcookies == "") return false; var start = allcookies.indexOf(this.name + '='); if (start == -1) return false; start += this.name.length + 1; var end = allcookies.indexOf(';', start); if (end == -1) end = allcookies.length; var cookieval = allcookies.substring(start, end); if (!this.isSimpleValue) { var a = cookieval.split(this.fieldsep); for (var i=0; i < a.length; i++) a[i] = a[i].split(this.valuesep); for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) this.data[a[i][0]] = unescape(a[i][1]); } else { this.data = cookieval; } return true; }, /** * Removes cookie if it was set. */ remove: function() { var cookie = this.name + '='; if (this.path) cookie += '; path=' + this.path; if (this.domain) cookie += '; domain=' + this.domain; cookie += '; expires=Fri, 02-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT'; this.document.cookie = cookie; } }; /** * Skype Preference Cookie Handling */ SKYPE.user.Preferences = function() { var values = { 'LC':'' ,'CCY':'' ,'CC':'' ,'TZ':'' ,'VER':'' ,'TS':'' ,'TM':'' ,'VAT':'' ,'UCP':'' ,'ENV':'' }; var domain = null; var cookieName = "SC"; var cookie = null; var path = "/"; var secure = false; var expires = null; var _parsing = false; var platformNames = { '0':'windows' ,'1':'pocketpc' ,'2':'linux' ,'3':'osx' }; return { init: function() { this.setDomain(); expires = 365; this.parseCookie(); }, getCookie: function() { var c = new SKYPE.util.Cookie(document, cookieName, expires, path, domain, secure, ":", "="); c.load(); return c; }, scrubCookieValue: function(value) { return value.replace(/[\n\r]/g, "").replace(//g, ">"); }, setDomain: function(dom) { if (dom) { domain = dom; } else if (location && location.hostname) { var parts = location.hostname.split("."); var i = parts.length; if (i >= 2 && isNaN(parseInt(parts[i-1]))) { domain = "."+parts[i-2]+"."+parts[i-1]; } } }, parseCookie: function() { cookie = this.getCookie(); var knownSetters = { 'LC': 'setLanguage' ,'CCY': 'setCurrency' ,'CC': 'setCountryCode' ,'TZ': 'setTimezone' ,'VER': 'setVersion' ,'TS': 'setTimeStamp' ,'TM': 'setTimeModified' ,'VAT': 'setVatEligible' ,'UCP': 'setClientProfile' }; _parsing = true; for (var prop in cookie.data) { if (prop.search(/[A-Z]+/) != -1) { if (knownSetters[prop]) this[knownSetters[prop]](cookie.data[prop]); else this.setValue(prop, cookie.data[prop]); } } _parsing = false; return true; }, save: function() { for (var val in values) { cookie.data[val] = values[val]; } cookie.store(true); }, clear: function() { cookie.remove(); }, getValue: function(key, def) { if (typeof def == "undefined") def = ""; if (values[key] && values[key] != null && values[key].length) return values[key]; return def; }, setValue: function(key, value) { values[key] = value.toString(); }, touchCookie: function() { var now = parseInt(new Date().getTime()/1000); if (_parsing) return false; if (!this.getTimeStamp().length) this.setValue("TS", now); this.setValue("TM", now); return true; }, setLanguage: function(value) { /* TODO: Should do validation here before setting? */ this.setValue("LC", value.replace(/_/g, "-")); this.touchCookie(); return true; }, getLanguage: function(def) { return this.getValue("LC", def); }, setCurrency: function(value) { if (/^([A-Z]{3}|[0-9]{3})$/.test(value) == false) value = ""; this.setValue("CCY", value); this.touchCookie(); return true; }, getCurrency: function(def) { return this.getValue("CCY", def); }, setCountryCode: function(value) { if (/^([A-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{3})$/.test(value) == false) value = ""; this.setValue("CC", value); this.touchCookie(); return true; }, getCountryCode: function(def) { return this.getValue("CC", def); }, formatDecimal: function(value) { if (value < 10) return "0" + value; return value; }, setTimezone: function(value) { if (/^([-+]((0[0-9]|1[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]|14:00)|Z)$/.test(value) == false) { var matches = value.match(/^([-+]?)([0-9]{1,2})(\.[0-9])?$/); if (matches) { var sign = matches[1] && matches[1].length ? matches[1] : '+'; var hours = parseInt(matches[2]); var minutes = matches[3] && matches[3].length ? parseInt(60 * parseFloat(matches[3])) : 0; if (hours > 14) hours = 14; if (hours == 14) minutes = 0; if (minutes > 59) minutes = 0; value = sign+this.formatDecimal(hours)+":"+this.formatDecimal(minutes); } } this.setValue("TZ", value); this.touchCookie(); return true; }, getTimezone: function(def) { return this.getValue("TZ", def); }, setVersion: function(value) { if (typeof value == "object") { var defaultValues = { 'platform':'' ,'platformname':'' ,'version':'' ,'campaign':'' ,'partner':'' ,'partnername':'' }; for (var prop in defaultValues) { if (value[prop] == null) value[prop] = defaultValues[prop]; } var splitVer = value.version.split("."); value = value.platform+"/"+splitVer[0]+"."+splitVer[1]+"."+(value.partner.length ? value.partner : splitVer[2])+"."+splitVer[3]+"/"+value.campaign; } if (/^[0-9]?\/[0-9]{1,2}(\.[0-9]{1,5}){3}\/[0-9]*$/.test(value) == false) return false; this.setValue("VER", value); this.touchCookie(); return true; }, getVersion: function(def) { return this.getValue("VER", def); }, getParsedVersion: function(def) { var result = { 'platform':'' ,'platformname':'' ,'version':'' ,'campaign':'' ,'partner':'' ,'partnername':'' }; var ver = this.getVersion(def); if (!ver.length) return result; var splitVer = ver.split("/"); result.platform = splitVer[0]; result.version = splitVer[1]; result.campaign = splitVer[2]; splitVer = result.version.split("."); result.partner = (splitVer.length > 2 && splitVer[2]) ? splitVer[2] : 0; return result; }, setTimeStamp: function(value) { this.setValue("TS", value); this.touchCookie(); }, getTimeStamp: function(def) { return parseInt(this.getValue("TS", def)); }, setTimeModified: function(value) { if (_parsing) { this.setValue("TM", value); } this.touchCookie(); }, getTimeModified: function(def) { return parseInt(this.getValue("TM", def)); }, setClientProfile: function(value) { this.setValue("UCP", value); this.touchCookie(); }, getClientProfile: function(def) { return this.getValue("UCP", def); }, setVatEligible: function(value) { var result = ""; // If string was passed in, then only accept "true" and "false" as valid if (typeof value == "string") { if (value == "true") result = "true"; else if (value == "false") result = "false"; else result = ""; } // Turn booleans into strings else if (typeof value == "boolean") { result = value ? "true" : "false"; } // Accept only numbers 0 and 1, nothing else else if (typeof value == "number") { if (value == 1) result = "true"; else if (value == 0) result = "false"; else result = ""; } this.setValue("VAT", result); this.touchCookie(); }, isVatEligible: function() { var val = this.getValue("VAT"); if (val == "true") return true; else if (val == "false") return false; else return null; }, setEnv: function(value) { value = value.replace(/\//g, "-"); if (!this.getEnv(value)) { var env = this.getValue("ENV"); env = env.length ? env.split("/") : []; env.push(value); this.setValue("ENV", env.join("/")); this.touchCookie(); } }, getEnv: function(value) { value = value.replace(/\//g, "-"); var env = this.getValue("ENV").split("/"); for (var i = 0; i < env.length; i++) { if (env[i] === value) return true; } return false; }, deleteEnv: function(value) { var env = this.getValue("ENV").split("/"); for (var i=0; i < env.length; i++) { if (env[i] === value) { env.splice(i, 1); } }; this.setValue("ENV", env.join("/")); this.touchCookie(); }, clearEnv: function() { this.setValue("ENV", ""); this.touchCookie(); }, debug: function() { var result = ""; for (var key in values) { result = result + key + " = " + values[key] + "\n"; } return result; } }; }(); SKYPE.user.Preferences.init(); /** * Site tweaks * * Written as lib independent to reduce overhead of functionality that’s needed on every page */ SKYPE.util.SiteTweaks = function() { SKYPE.env.listeners.push(function( mod ) { if ( mod.name == 'loader' ) { // Input tweaks // Added a hack so this would work for Web reg too var header = document.getElementById('header'); if (!header) { return false; } var inputs = header.getElementsByTagName( 'input' ), i = inputs.length; while (i--) { if (inputs[i].title && inputs[i].type == 'text') { inputs[i].onfocus = function () { if (this.value === this.title) { this.value = ''; } }; inputs[i].onblur = function () { if (this.value === '' || this.value === this.title) { this.value = this.title; } }; if (inputs[i].value === '' || inputs[i].value === inputs[i].title) { inputs[i].value = inputs[i].title; } } } function getElementsByClassName (oElm, strTagName, strClassName) { var arrElements = (strTagName == "*" && oElm.all) ? oElm.all : oElm.getElementsByTagName(strTagName), arrReturnElements = new Array(); strClassName = strClassName.replace(/\-/g, "\\-"); var oElement, oRegExp = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + strClassName + "(\\s|$)"), i = arrElements.length; while (i--) { oElement = arrElements[i]; if (oRegExp.test(oElement.className)) { arrReturnElements.push(oElement); } } return arrReturnElements; }; // check if value is part of an array function inArray (array, value) { var i = array.length; while (i--) { if (array[i] == value) { return true; } } return false; }; // Language selector var el, lDropdowns = getElementsByClassName(document,'select','userLanguage'), upForms = getElementsByClassName(document,'form','userPreferencesForm'); // check if there are language selectors defined by id el = document.getElementById('userLanguage'); if (el && !inArray(lDropdowns, el)) { lDropdowns.push(el); } el = document.getElementById('userPreferencesForm'); if (el && !inArray(upForms, el)) { upForms.push(el); }; for (var i=0; i < lDropdowns.length; i++) { if (lDropdowns[i] && upForms[i]) { lDropdowns[i].onchange = function () { var upForm = this.form, lDropdown = this, ddValue = lDropdown.options[lDropdown.selectedIndex].value, changeUrl = upForm.action.replace(/(%5B|\[)LC(%5D|\])/g, ddValue); if (typeof SKYPE.user.Preferences.setLanguage != "undefined") { SKYPE.user.Preferences.setLanguage(ddValue); SKYPE.user.Preferences.save(); SKYPE.log("Setting user language to: "+ ddValue, "info"); } if (!window.location.hostname.match('login|secure|search|share|support|about|jobs')) { // split window.location into urlArray - protocol+hostname, intl/XX-XXXXX, rest of the url var reg = new RegExp("(^"+window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.hostname+"/)"+"(intl/[a-zA-Z-]{2,8})?/?(.*)"); var urlArray = reg.exec(window.location); if (typeof urlArray[1] != undefined) { var newLocation = urlArray[1]; newLocation += 'intl/' + ddValue + '/'; if(typeof urlArray[3] != undefined) { newLocation += urlArray[3]; } changeUrl = newLocation; } } window.location = changeUrl; }; if (typeof SKYPE.user.Preferences.getLanguage() != "undefined" && SKYPE.user.Preferences.getLanguage() == "") { SKYPE.user.Preferences.setLanguage(lDropdowns[i].options[lDropdowns[i].selectedIndex].value); SKYPE.user.Preferences.save(); SKYPE.log("Setting user language to: "+ lDropdowns[i].options[lDropdowns[i].selectedIndex].value, "info"); } } else { return; } } // Footer links language selector var languageLinks = getElementsByClassName(document,'a','languageLink'); for (var i = 0; i < languageLinks.length; i++) { if (typeof SKYPE.user.Preferences.setLanguage != "undefined" && typeof SKYPE.user.Preferences.getLanguage() != "undefined" && SKYPE.user.Preferences.getLanguage() == "" && languageLinks[i].className.indexOf('selected') != -1) { SKYPE.user.Preferences.setLanguage(languageLinks[i].hreflang); SKYPE.user.Preferences.save(); SKYPE.log("Setting user language to: "+ languageLinks[i].hreflang, "info"); } languageLinks[i].onclick = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var linkValue = this.hreflang, changeUrl = this.href; if (typeof SKYPE.user.Preferences.setLanguage != "undefined") { SKYPE.user.Preferences.setLanguage(linkValue); SKYPE.user.Preferences.save(); SKYPE.log("Setting user language to: "+ linkValue, "info"); } if (!window.location.hostname.match('login|secure|search|share|support|about|jobs')) { // split window.location into urlArray - protocol+hostname, intl/XX-XXXXX, rest of the url var reg = new RegExp("(^"+window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.hostname+"/)"+"(intl/[a-zA-Z-]{2,8})?/?(.*)"); var urlArray = reg.exec(window.location); if (typeof urlArray[1] != undefined && typeof urlArray[3]) { var newLocation = urlArray[1]; newLocation += 'intl/' + linkValue + '/'; if(typeof urlArray[3] != undefined) { newLocation += urlArray[3]; } changeUrl = newLocation; } } window.location = changeUrl; }; } } }); SKYPE.env.Loader.require('sitetweaks', { 'src': 'i/js/jquery/sitetweaks.js', 'requires': { 'jquery' : true } }); }(); /* Load CSS with javascript help */ SKYPE.loadCss = function (filename) { var fileref = document.createElement("link"); fileref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); fileref.setAttribute("href", filename); if (typeof fileref != "undefined") { document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(fileref); } }; SKYPE.register("skype", SKYPE, {version: "2.0.1", build: "3"});